Love the band and have a local business? Advertise in the Chelmsford Community Band’s concert programs. Ads run for one year in the program.

Ad space is available in our programs at the following rates:

Back Page                      $250 (4.7"W x 7.6"H)

Inside Cover                  $200 (4.7"W x 7.6"H)

Full page                       $150 (4.7"W x 7.6"H)

Half page                      $100 (4.7"W x 3.5"H)

Business Card               $50 (3.5"W x 2.0"H)

To place an ad, please email the CCB at, along with scannable, camera ready artwork and send a check made out to Chelmsford Community Band to the following address:

Chelmsford Community Band
P.O. Box 431
Chelmsford, MA 01824-­0431

 You can also send an email with any questions to